Bundle AI designed to promote transparency and fairness on tokens by analyzing “bundled launches,” where developers or insiders acquire disproportionate shares of tokens.

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Bundle AI is an innovative tool designed to promote transparency and fairness in token launches by analyzing “bundled launches,” where developers or insiders acquire disproportionate shares of tokens. The AI works by monitoring wallet activity and transaction patterns before, during, and after launches, identifying bulk acquisitions or disproportionate allocations to specific wallets. It also maps token distribution and generates risk scores based on metrics like insider holdings versus community distribution, timing of large transactions, and other red flags.

To enhance trust, Bundle AI provides real-time alerts about suspicious activities, such as significant insider trades or wallets linked to developers accumulating tokens unusually. It generates audit reports with detailed insights into token launches, including insider holdings, distribution patterns, and any anomalies. These reports empower the community with transparency and accountability.


Access the Bot

Open your Telegram app and search for @BundleAIBOT in the search bar. Click on the bot to open its chat interface.

Start the Bot

Press the Start button or type /start to activate the bot. This initializes the interaction and provides an introduction to the bot's features.

Enter a Token Launch Address or Details

Provide the bot with the contract address or token launch details you want to analyze.

Review the Analysis

Wait for the bot to process the data. It will return insights such as token distribution, insider holdings, and risk assessments.

Explore Additional Features

Use the bot's commands or menu options to generate audit reports, receive transparency scores, or set up real-time alerts for suspicious wallet activity related to specific tokens.

Meet the TEAM


Marketing Agent / Branding Lead


Team Developer

Jordan the 1st

DeFi & Bot Dev Team

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